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The ancient sages were the ones who have first theorised about the idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity . -fmoesf 

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 The ancient sages were  the ones who  have first theorised  about the  idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity  . -fmoesf  Empty The ancient sages were the ones who have first theorised about the idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity . -fmoesf 

Post by Athena* Sat Feb 04, 2017 1:21 pm

● It was Aristotle who firstly thought about the idea of a holographic universe -fmoesf 

'There is something common to things that share a concept x, but that essence/form/pattern/structure is embedded in thing itself. We don’t need to escape from a cave, but see clearly what is in it. [Everything is a composite of form and matter. The form is the pattern or structure of a thing and the matter is what makes something an individual thing. Everything in the world is a formed matter; that is matter in a certain form.'

Summary of Aristotle’s Theory of Human Nature


Last edited by Athena* on Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:35 pm; edited 4 times in total

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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 The ancient sages were  the ones who  have first theorised  about the  idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity  . -fmoesf  Empty Re: The ancient sages were the ones who have first theorised about the idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity . -fmoesf 

Post by Athena* Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:24 pm


Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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 The ancient sages were  the ones who  have first theorised  about the  idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity  . -fmoesf  Empty Re: The ancient sages were the ones who have first theorised about the idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity . -fmoesf 

Post by Athena* Mon Apr 17, 2017 1:38 pm

21 道德經:
孔德之容,唯道是從。道之為物,唯恍唯惚。忽兮恍兮,其中有象;恍兮忽兮,其中有物。窈兮冥兮,其中有精;其精甚真,其中有信。自古及今,其名不去,以閱衆甫。吾何以知衆甫之狀哉?以此。Dao De Jing:
(The empty heart, or the Dao in its operation)
The grandest forms of active force
From Dao come, their only source.
Who can of Dao the nature tell?
Our sight it flies, our touch as well.
Eluding sight, eluding touch,
The forms of things all in it crouch;
Eluding touch, eluding sight,
There are their semblances, all right.
Profound it is, dark and obscure;
Things' essences all there endure.
Those essences the truth enfold
Of what, when seen, shall then be told.
Now it is so; 'twas so of old.
Its name - what passes not away;
So, in their beautiful array,
Things form and never know decay.
How know I that it is so with all the beauties of existing things? By this (nature of the Dao

47 道德經:
不出戶知天下;不闚牖見天道。其出彌遠,其知彌少。是以聖人不行而知,不見而名,不為而成。Dao De Jing:
(Surveying what is far-off)
Without going outside his door, one understands (all that takes place) under the sky; without looking out from his window, one sees the Dao of Heaven. The farther that one goes out (from himself), the less he knows.
Therefore the sages got their knowledge without travelling; gave their (right) names to things without seeing them; and accomplished their ends without any purpose of doing so.

Last edited by Athena* on Tue Jun 06, 2017 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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 The ancient sages were  the ones who  have first theorised  about the  idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity  . -fmoesf  Empty Re: The ancient sages were the ones who have first theorised about the idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity . -fmoesf 

Post by Athena* Mon Jun 05, 2017 7:42 pm

Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu, 369—298 B.C.E.)

'If you adopt, as absolute, a standard of evenness which is so only relatively, your results will not be absolutely even. If you adopt, as absolute, a criterion of right which is so only relatively, your results will not be absolutely right. Those who trust to their senses become slaves to objective existences. Those alone who are guided by their intuitions find the true standard. So far are the senses less reliable than the intuitions. Yet fools trust to their senses to know what is good for mankind, with alas 1 but external results.' ~ Chuang Tzu [ The Doctrine of Relativity ]


Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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 The ancient sages were  the ones who  have first theorised  about the  idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity  . -fmoesf  Empty Re: The ancient sages were the ones who have first theorised about the idea of a Holographic Universe and Relativity . -fmoesf 

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