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Pseudo- spiritual masters, pseudo-notions, stupidity is everywhere! Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'"~ 孔夫子/ Kong Fu Zi ]

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Pseudo- spiritual masters, pseudo-notions, stupidity is everywhere! Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'"~ 孔夫子/ Kong Fu Zi  ]  Empty Pseudo- spiritual masters, pseudo-notions, stupidity is everywhere! Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'"~ 孔夫子/ Kong Fu Zi ]

Post by Athena* Fri Mar 30, 2018 3:09 pm


Yang Huo:
The Master said, "There are only the wise of the highest class, and the stupid of the lowest class, who cannot be changed."

唯上知与下愚不移。孔子  ( Wéi shàng zhī yǔ xià yú bù yí.  Kǒngzǐ )
[ "Confucian" (Yangtishiya nineteenth) Confucius had a saying: "Only wisdom and the next stupid." The meaning is: "Only the wise and the stupid are immutable." /"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'"~ 孔夫子/ Kong Fu Zi  ]

Is it a sign of intelligence to be perfectly adapted to an extremely senseless world ? ~fmoesf
● " Then one must see the source of the confusion. This is of course often quite difficult. But here, it is helpful to ask the question, “Is there anything more important than seeing what is true and what is false?” If your mind puts forth some emotional demand as more important, then you will see, on asking this question, that here is one of the sources of your confusion. For it is plain to see that nothing can really be more important than to see what is true and what is false (not even the need to save your life, because if you mistake truth for falsity, you will act in a confused way, and will be more likely to lose your life than if you saw clearly). It is clear now that it is no use to fight the ego, to “do” something “positive” about it. For this would only be a confused process, in which the ego tried to improve itself, not noticing that the ego process is the essence of the illness. When you understand confusion (i.e., see it deeply), then this perception will act of its own accord, and you will turn away from confusion, without further ado. " -David Bohm
● "Mankind has been in a chronic state of crisis for 6000 years or more. Now the crisis is acute, general, and inescapable. The old illusions don’t seem to work very well any more, nor do the new illusions either. So mankind is presented with a unique opportunity to drop the ego process. This opportunity arises out of a unique danger. He may annihilate himself or degenerate to the level of a confused beast if he does not drop the ego process in a reasonable period of time."- David Bohm

1. Reality is very unpleasant when one stays with it.  - David  Bohm
2. The man who sees the truth has no place in this reality.  - David  Bohm
3. The truth has no direct relation to this reality.  - David  Bohm
4. Seeing the whole is truth.  - David  Bohm
● "Thought is governed by the pleasure principle, which puts pleasure first, ahead of factuality and logic." -David Bohm
● "Whatever one tries to “do” is based on the root of all illusion and is therefore just an extension of the very problem that one wants to get rid of. " - David Bohm
● “Illusion-generating illusion” covers up and suppresses awareness of its poisonous character. To really see deeply the nature of this illusion is action enough. For in the light of this perception, it has to collapse. Whatever you do beyond this just stirs up the cloud of dust." - David Bohm

● 'in the great drama of existence we ourselves are both actors and spectators’ (#Bohr N. Wiley; New York: 1963. Essays 1958–1962 on atomic physics and human knowledge. )

● " an active, self-sustaining pool of human knowledge – accumulated and refined through millennia – is thoroughly infected with misinformation, thus polluting human experience at its generative source." - David Bohm
● "That is, knowledge includes not only information but misinformation; it also includes confused information and it includes nonsense. It’s mixed with all sorts of useful and correct things. Even an idea which is correct in one context becomes nonsense in another. You can’t so easily fix it." - David Bohm

● "So it causes thought to manipulate itself, not to reflect truth and fact, but rather, to preserve and enhance what appears to be the pleasure in the very center of one’s being. It will do this by suppressing awareness of anything that would expose the emptiness of this mode of thought and therefore of the whole structure of pleasure itself. This suppression process involves not only feelings of dullness and deadness, but also rabbit-like darting from one subject to another, intense excitement that fills the brain and destroys clear discrimination, and the acceptance of every kind of false thought as true (i.e., fantasy, illusion, and delusion). So one sees that the illusion of a false pleasure-center in the mind is also the generator of an independently proliferating series of illusions. It is an “illusion-generating illusion.” The key to sanity is to see through this basic illusion-generating illusion. It is no use merely to see through some of the particular illusions that arise in this process, as long as the “root” that generates all the illusions is not touched. But to see this root is very difficult, because the state of mind that wants to see it is already lost in illusion. So what it will actually see is an illusion about the root of all illusions. This will be worse than useless." - David Bohm
⚠️    【Zheng Yong】 Philosophy of Mind
【郑湧】谈“心”哲学 ⚠️↕️????????????  

Last edited by Athena* on Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:53 pm; edited 1 time in total

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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Pseudo- spiritual masters, pseudo-notions, stupidity is everywhere! Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'"~ 孔夫子/ Kong Fu Zi  ]  Empty Re: Pseudo- spiritual masters, pseudo-notions, stupidity is everywhere! Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change.'"~ 孔夫子/ Kong Fu Zi ]

Post by Athena* Fri Apr 13, 2018 6:22 am


Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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