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This world lacks moral integrity...

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This world lacks moral integrity... Empty This world lacks moral integrity...

Post by Athena* Sun Nov 06, 2016 4:54 pm

● 'For peace to reign on Earth, humans must evolve into new beings who have learned to see the whole first.' ©️ Immanuel Kant [ This is impossible! !!! ~ fmoesf ] 

● 'Liberty, equality — bad principles! The only true principle for humanity is justice; and justice to the feeble becomes necessarily protection or kindness. ~ Henri-Frédéric Amiel

● 'Moral excellence comes about as a result of habit. We become just by doing just acts, temperate by doing temperate acts, brave by doing brave acts.' ~ Aristotle in Nichomachean Ethics (ca. 325 BC) Book II.

● 'Justice and equity are neither absolutely identical nor generically different. … If they are different, either the just or the equitable is not good; if both are good, they are the same thing. … For equity, while superior to one sort of justice, is itself just … Justice and equity are therefore the same thing, and both are good, though equity is the better.
The source of the difficulty is that equity, though just, is not legal justice, but a rectification of legal justice. The reason for this is that law is always a general statement, yet there are cases which it is not possible to cover in a general statement.' ~ Aristotle in Nichomachean Ethics (ca. 325 BC) Book V.

Both, death  or life , are  a privilege at the right moment. ~ fmoesf 


Last edited by Athena* on Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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This world lacks moral integrity... Empty Re: This world lacks moral integrity...

Post by Athena* Wed Jun 07, 2017 3:23 pm

Doctrine of relativity - 莊周 Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu, 369—298 B.C.E.)

"Dimensions are limitless; time is endless. Conditions are not invariable; terms are not final. Thus, the wise man looks into space, and does not regard the small as too little, nor the great as too much; for he knows that there is no limit to dimension. He looks back into the past, and does not grieve over what is far off, nor rejoice over what is near; for he knows that time is without end. He investigates fulness and decay, and does not rejoice if he succeeds, nor lament if he fails; for he knows that conditions are not invariable. He who clearly apprehends the scheme of existence does not rejoice over life, nor repine at death; for he knows that terms are not final." Zhuangzi (Chuang-Tzu, 369—298 B.C.E.)

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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This world lacks moral integrity... Empty Re: This world lacks moral integrity...

Post by Athena* Tue Nov 20, 2018 8:33 am

" So to see the whole truth, you must not be in a state of conflict between “what is” and a motivation as to “what should be.” What should be is always an illusion, which prevents you from looking at what is. When you see what is (psychologically speaking) it starts to change, and problems start to dissolve away, as one perceives that they all come from what should be – which begins by projecting what is illusory. Usually, our problems are insoluble because they result from contradictory demands of the ego process. As soon as one sees that these demands result from “the machine at work,” one ceases to be fooled by them. As with the magician’s trick that has been exposed, we are not deceived again. So one has to see that the ego process is always engaged in setting up the illusion of “what should be,” dressing it up in alluring colors, and pushing away “what is,” hiding it in frightening and ugly disguises. But nothing can be done without our understanding what is, in its totality, at least as far as we are experiencing it. As soon as we push aside a certain part of what is in our experiencing, in favor of the illusion of what should be, we are in a state of contradiction, which leads immediately to an internal conflict. We then try to escape the conflict because it is very unpleasant, seeking to cover it up by introducing confused ideas and feelings, and by distracting our attention, drawing it to something else instead. But then our escapes, being confused, lead to even more and more conflicts, which in turn must be escaped. Thus, the whole process tangles up, in a sort of cancerous growth of contradiction, conflict, escape, and confusion, until it fills the whole mind. This is the typical state of most human beings in “civilized” society (and probably in “primitive” societies as well). So if we wish to see the totality of understanding, we cannot be in a state of contradiction and conflict, as this destroys all understanding. Conflict fragments the mind, and is therefore incompatible with a state of understanding, in which the mind sees a totality, by functioning as a totality. People do not realize the importance of this. Some people imagine that one can have a true “intellectual” understanding, while the emotions are in a twisted and tangled state, while others (sentimentalists) think that one can be full of love and good feelings, while the intellect is totally mixed up. Actually there is no thought without feelings (including motivation) and no feeling without thought. Thus, some artists think that they appreciate a picture by feeling and not by intellect also. But if this were the case, why should one picture have a different effect than another? Is it not evident that there is a complex mental process of seeing the picture? This process is probably too rapid for such a viewer to appreciate, so that all he sees is a sort of afterglow of emotion. But then he makes the mistake of supposing that this emotion is all there is. So he becomes confused about his way of viewing pictures. Understanding evidently requires a state of truth in emotion, in intellect, and in the whole mind. It takes the mind in its totality to perceive the totality of anything. The fragmented mind inevitably sees in parts, while the person who begins with the part thereby fragments his mind. In a sense, to perceive the totality of understanding, one must be a totality. This requires that one see through the totality of illusion. Perhaps a man who is doing this will naturally, without any further action on his part, enter a state in which his mind is a totality. Therefore he will realize the totality of understanding, and in this way, he will perceive it. Now, why is there illusion? The possibility of creating illusion is the precondition of intelligence. Thus, if we look into a mirror, we may first perceive a man. A partial perception (rays reflected in a certain pattern from the mirror) awakens a perception of the whole man in our minds. In this regard, we create our perceptions, which always look real at the moment that they are created (as they do also for the insane or drugged man, who perceives very convincing delusions). But then a healthy man is always trying also to perceive the truth and falsity of his perceptions. Thus, one very quickly sees that the man behind a mirror cannot be real because he is “imitating” us too closely. So in a fraction of a second, we no longer see another man. Instead, we see a mirror that is reflecting ourselves. We have seen the true meaning of the illusion. But some illusions are so good that we don’t see through them. They may therefore lead us into confused and idiotic behavior. It is clear then that the most important perception of all is the perception of what is true and what is false. Without this, all else becomes meaningless and confused. But this is just what society is always trying to destroy, by saying that certain things (religion, authority, family, nationalism, etc.) are too sacred or important to be questioned. As long as a person thinks that something else is more important than to see what is true and what is false, freshly from moment to moment, then that person is evidently very badly confused. Such confusion must lead to contradiction, conflict, and escape, with unlimited spreading of further confusion through his whole life. And a society constituted of such people leads to confusion to the power of 2000 million, which is a correct description of our world today. The major source of illusion is the response of memory. We not only remember pictures and words, but our memories are also accompanied by active emotions. Thus, if I am angry at X, when I see him again (or a man who reminds me of him), then the memory is accompanied by a little nervous signal that arouses the reflex of anger. I suggest that you watch for it next time you are angry. The powerful emotions of anger, fear, envy, and many others can be seen mechanically to be following little signals, as if a switch were being pressed. So the illusion is that we are seeing actual experience, when the fact is that it is mostly a “replay” of past experience, adjusted somewhat to present circumstances. This replay is then recorded again, to add to the previous memory, thus cutting the “grooves” deeper. The more we experience in this way, the deeper we get stuck in illusion. And all the while, we are confused into thinking that we are basing our actions on “experience itself.” The older a man is, the more “experienced” he is in this way, and the more sure he is that he “knows” what he is doing. So the essence of his life is now constituted of a series of illusions. One sees through this illusion as one sees the illusory character of a mirror image – it lacks independence. As the image follows its object, so our false emotions follow these little signals. It is only necessary to be fully aware and attentive, and then the illusion loses its power. For no man will base his actions on an illusion that he has really seen through (i.e., if the whole of him has seen through it). Perhaps it is like a movie theatre. As long as your eyes are only on the screen, you “identify” with the characters, and feel that they are winning, losing, good, bad, etc. But on broadening your vision, you see that they are shadows on a screen. The same is true about the whole ego process. " ~ David Bohm

An addicted brain can never be clear, functional, free ! -fmoesf

'We started  out  saying  the  trouble  is  that  the  world  is  in  chaos,  but  I  think we  end  up  by  saying  that  thought  is  in  chaos.  That's  each  one  of  us.  And that  is  the  cause  of  the  world  being  in  chaos.  Then  the  chaos  of  the  world comes  back  and  adds  to  the  chaos  of  thought. ' - David Bohm

"I am saying society is based on shared meanings, which constitute the culture. If we don’t share coherent meaning, we do not make much of a society. And at present, the society at large has a very incoherent set of meanings. In fact, this set of “shared meanings” is so incoherent that it is hard to say that they have any real meaning at all. There is a certain amount of significance, but it is very limited. The culture in general is incoherent, and we will thus bring with us into the group – or microcosm or microculture – a corresponding incoherence." ~ DAVID BOHM

This world needs :
High intelligence - wisdom
Moderation in all things but virtue
Laws, rules adapted to the social reality
A powerful law enforcement system
Ballance human -nature

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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This world lacks moral integrity... Empty Re: This world lacks moral integrity...

Post by Athena* Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:57 am

How does morality work in the brain? A functional and structural perspective of moral behavior ⤵️

Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
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Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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This world lacks moral integrity... Empty Re: This world lacks moral integrity...

Post by Athena* Fri Nov 30, 2018 10:52 am

Review of The Moral Conflict of Law and Neuroscience



Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
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Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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This world lacks moral integrity... Empty Re: This world lacks moral integrity...

Post by Athena* Tue Dec 11, 2018 9:28 am

What can neuroscience contribute to ethics?



Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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