Dacia noastra

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Trapped in the hellish world created by mankind : You created a world that is your gravestone.' - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "The Ugly Swans"

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Trapped  in the hellish world created by mankind : You created a world that is your gravestone.' - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "The Ugly Swans"   Empty Trapped in the hellish world created by mankind : You created a world that is your gravestone.' - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "The Ugly Swans"

Post by Athena* Wed Aug 10, 2016 10:19 pm

"Человечество обанкротилось биологически: рождаемость падает, распространяется рак, слабоумие, неврозы, люди превращаются в наркоманов. Они ежедневно заглатывают сотни тонн алкоголя, никотина, просто наркотиков, они начали с гашиша и кокаина и кончили ЛСД. Мы просто вырождаемся. Естественную природу мы уничтожили, а искусственная уничтожает нас… Далее, мы обанкротились идеологически – мы перебрали все философские системы и все их дискредитировали; мы перепробовали все мыслимые системы морали, но... " 

Аркадий и Борис Стругацкие "Гадкие лебеди"

"Humanity has gone self-destructive biologically: the birth rate falls, spreading the cancer, dementia, neurosis, people turn into drugs addicts. They swallow  hundreds of tones of alcohol, nicotine, and drugs, every day. They started with hashish and cocaine, and finished with LSD.  We are just degenerating , the natural environment we have destroyed... and chemicals  destroys us ... Then we followed a destructive ideology - we have touched all philosophies and discredited them all, and we have tried every conceivable system of morality, but ... "

Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "The Ugly Swans"

'You created a world that is your gravestone.' - Arkady and Boris Strugatsky "The Ugly Swans"

 'Mankind is a drunken coot who went through hell because unfortunately he does not deserve better". People chose intellectual degradation and now they are paying for that. '



Numarul mesajelor : 326
Localizare : Terra
Reputatie : 8
Data de inscriere : 2008-12-01

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